Ottawa-Carleton Association for
Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OCAPDD)
About Us
OCAPDD/Open Hands provides support to hundreds of persons with developmental disabilities, in every aspect of life whether seeking work opportunities, securing living arrangements or dealing with day-to-day tasks. Since fully a third of the people supported by OCAPDD are also affected by physical disabilities and other medical considerations, the scope of the organization's support is in direct response to level of need. OCAPDD's and Open Hands' management team oversees the operation of several residential services, recreation programs and support services, which in turn are staffed by several hundred full-time and part-time employees who support individuals living either in family settings or independently. Residential programs are open 365 days a year, with night and relief staff playing a crucial role. A manager is on call at all times. A volunteer board of directors, which includes parents of persons with developmental disabilities, ensures the continued health of the Association. Board members are also tireless advocates on behalf of all persons with developmental disabilities. Other volunteers contribute literally hundreds of hours each month in every conceivable activity, from organizing outings, being a best buddy, tending gardens, servicing computers, mending clothes, and repairing and painting program facilities, to cite just a few examples. Volunteers are also a critical component of OCAPDD’s fund raising where they contribute hundreds of hours in activities such a planting and harvesting garlic and gift wrapping.
Class Action 2024Please read the full letter here for details.
Awards, Fundraising and Social Events:
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